Wednesday, June 18, 2008

If you "google news" food....

This is what you get:

"Pizza Hut Named Most Trusted Food Service Brand in India by The Economic Times for Fourth Year": I agree that Pizza Hut is badly good. I mean, the crust just tastes unhealthily tasty, and you can see the grease pools. However, what saddens me here is that the rest of the world considers THIS American food. Or, at the very least, a American bastardization of Italian. Why couldn't we be known for something GOOD. I mean, the Japanese have sushi. Islands everywhere are full of fruits and vegetables. We get Pizza Hut and McDonald's.
F.D.A. Takes Aim at Herbal Cancer ‘Cures’: I really don't have any business commenting on families dealing with cancer, and the options they use to prolong life and cure disease. I understand the FDA wanting to "protect" people from "themselves." However, don't people have a right to live how they want to live? I can see both sides, and it's an interesting article. Imagine you hand cancer, or if you do, how would you/do you feel about this article?
China to send food, product inspectors to US: official: I can handle this, as it may add an element of responsibility on the American market. However, it does seem kind of funny that China's basically doing a "I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you," argument. Whatever. More checks are better than less, I guess. If it makes them feel better. I still won't buy Chinese.
US flooding locks in record food prices: WONDERFUL. Because the price of gas isn't bad enough.


Unknown said...

I really appreciate your original commentary. You ahve as much right - I think we all have a duty to participate in public concerns. This is my way: I think it is possible to never have to say "eat your vegetable.s" That's why I wrote "The ABC’s of Fruits & Vegetables and Beyond.” There is no doubt that the foundation of a healthy diet and weight control is the significant consumption of vegetables and fruit. Unfortunately, many adults do not like these fine foods - so we must make sure kids don’t develop these attitudes. I hope parents and teachers interested in getting kids to develop friendly feelings towards fruits and vegetables should take a look at it. Out only a few months and already being bought in quantity for class use. I wrote it for kids of different ages as it is two books in one – children first learn their alphabet through produce poems and then go on to more mature activities. It is coauthored by best-selling food writer David Goldbeck (me) and Jim Henson writer Steve Charney.