Friday, June 20, 2008

Heaven Healthy.

Imagine the most luscious dessert you have ever had. Chocolate fudge cake, or something drenched in caramel. My husband's favorite is key lime pie or carrot cake. Me? I can't say I have a favorite. However, I never met a cookie I didn't like.

When I find something I love, that is also healthy, I do a little mental jig. I mean, lets face it, eating healthy isn't always FUN. At least not when you have to limit fat and calories. I love a good piece of bread. I could make a meal out of bread - but even those simple delicacies are limited when trying to lose a few pounds.

So when I found THIS absolute luscious combination - heavenly AND weight loss friendly - I was thrilled. I mean, at that moment where I was enjoying my parfait, you could have put even the most wonderful of cookies in front of me. All I would have said was "no thanks," between my mouthfuls.

This is so simple - but I think what makes it delicious is the freshness and quality of the ingredients.

1 cup of yogurt (I used Stoneyfield Farm's Organic Fat Free Vanilla.)

1 cup of fruit (fresh, right now the raspberries are out and flavorful, and I have been taking advantage of them.)

1/4 - 1/2 cup granola. (I like Bear Naked fit Vanilla Almond Crunch, 1/4 cup).

Nutritional info
Calories: 364
Fat: 3.3
Fiber: 11
Sugar: 41.4
Weight Watcher Points: 7

Now, you can reduce the calorie and point load by using plan yogurt instead of the vanilla. The parfait is perfect for breakfast or lunch. It usually leaves me feeling very satisfied for hours in the day.

Tomorrow I might make one pretty and post a picture. They're simple and fun to dress up.