Saturday, August 16, 2008

Pretty cupcakes and summer review.

As the summer comes to a close, I am reminded of a post I made in the early moments. In it, I made some summer vows. Now, I knew I was taking a serious risk when posting that - I knew I held a solid chance of not being able to keep most (if any) promises.

The summer proved to be busier than most. In addition to my culinary goals, I made a few household ones as well. Another one of my passions (along with cooking, teaching, and greenification) is scrapbooking. The whole summer, I accomplished just one page. One. I am so far behind at this point, I fear I may never catch up! I was doing a few online courses for my job - one in teaching students of limited English proficiency and the other to boost my knowledge in reading education. Between those courses, chasing my kids around, and you all...well...that was pretty much my entire summer.

My comments in black, the goals in lavender.

(1) I am going to feed my family homemade bread. I am also going to find sustainable, go to recipes that will allow me to feed my family homemade bread all year long.

I mostly managed this one, but not entirely. I never completely mastered the sandwich bread. I realized, after just the first loaf, that my pans weren't big enough. So, I purchased some larger ones. Then I realized my bread knife wasn't sharp enough to really cut the smaller slices suitable for PB&J's, so I bought another one of those too. Then we went on vacation.

Now, on my defense, I almost always have a loaf of this stuff sitting around. Which, incidentally, makes wonderful toasts, sides, and even "grown up" sandwiches. While the kids LOVE it plain, it's not so good for their lunches, which is why I tend to stick to Nature's Own Organic bread for them. At least until I can master the sandwich bread.

(2) I am going to see how cheaply we can eat, while still eating well and organically wherever possible.

I did that this week, but the rest of the summer just seemed like such a drain. I'm not sure if it's because of the rising food prices or what - but we just can't seem to get our grocery budget under control without giving in and eating some processed foods that I just refuse to by. I think "well, maybe ONE week wouldn't hurt.." But then I think about how good we eat, and how good it makes me feel, and I just can't even do it. This week, I spent $56. And that included some water for the hurricane sitting out in the gulf. Now, we have a well stocked pantry, so all I really needed was produce and dairy. Still, I was quite proud of myself for that. And yes, there will be a lot of beans this week.

(3) I am going to learn to make homemade tortillas. Low fat homemade tortillas.

Did this, but I was less than impressed. I should try different recipes, including the full fat ones. I also want to learn how to make pita bread, as the stuff I buy in the store is terrible.

(4) I will master the balsamic reduction. We had that at a restaurant lately, and LOVED it.

I tried it, but was not impressed. The problem was that it tasted burnt, as the balsamic reduction has to be done at a relatively low heat to avoid scorching. It was okay, but I didn't love it. I found precious little information about this process, so I was flying pretty blind. However, while this wasn't great, I found a wonderful way to make a thick balsamic dressing with my mortar and pestle that I will share as soon as I get the proportions down. I think it was about as good as the reduction, with much less work. It made AMAZING bruschetta.

(5) I will master the Panna Cotta recipe.

This was way too easy. It's milk jello. Boring. Now, there were some chocolate Panna Cotta recipes and interesting flavors that I want to try...

(6) We will be making a family trip out to Portland, Oregon - to see more family, and determine the steps necessary to make it our new home. While in Portland, we will be taking a tour that I am VERY excited about. I will be sure to post a review.

Okay, I managed this with gusto...if I do say so myself. If you want to see, click on the "vacation" link above. Or, go to the left where my other tags are, and click on "Oregon."

(7) This is the one that bears most on you, my reader - I will be posting daily. Even if it's a "the kids are sick, I can't think of anything to post, so here is a good article..." I will post daily. I promise! From now until my vacation - I will post daily. So, if you would like to reciprocate my devotion - please feel free to share this blog with friends and family. I hope to have more of what I've already put here, just MORE of it .

I made a pretty good dent in this in June, not so much in July. Although, I'm finding that most of the food blogs I read aren't so good about posting every day, which makes me feel better! I also know that I write about more than just FOOD in here, but how to tend to a kitchen, how to serve your food, product reviews, and even restaurant reviews.

I also managed to do a few unexpected things this summer. Like, I began my quest in cake decorating.

These were my first attempts at decorating cakes. I decided to "start small" - small meaning cupcakes.

The cakes themselves weren't great. The first batch, chocolate, were terrible. These vanilla cakes left much to be desired. Now, I am not a cake fan exactly. I much prefer a good pie or cobbler, or even cheesecake. I'm just really tired of paying someone else to decorate a cake for my kids. I have a lot of mixed emotions over this as well, as I really hate the number of chemicals that go into the decorating bit. Which leaves me with a quandary: to decorate means more chemicals. To get good I need to practice, which means more decorating. What to do? I guess more research to see if there are organic ways to do it. I have a friend who uses fruits to create the butter cream colors, and even homemade marshmallows to create fondant. That might be a direction I have to go as I learn some of the techniques. Oh, and I must mention that this is all self taught - the cake decorating class in my area is from 12-2. Thanks, Michaels.

So, all in all - I think I get a B. I met a good number of my goals, exceeded expectations in other areas, but didn't quite do all that I said I was going to. I did increase my blog readership, which is a huge deal for me - so for all you faithful readers...thanks. I really enjoy knowing that you come here to read about my kitchen adventures.


Teresa Cordero Cordell said...

Hello Hollee, Teresa here. Nice blog. And I think your cupcakes look tasty and pretty. Ambitious goals. TAke care with the approaching hurricane.

Hollee said...

Thanks, Teresa - Will Do!