Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A little recognition is always nice.

In early July, a representative from Foodbuzz emailed me explaining that she saw that I had a food blog, and thought that I would be interested in their "Featured Publisher" program. After (what seems like) oodles of emails back and forth, the contract is in and my "widgets" are up. If you're not sure what a "widget" is (I sure wasn't) look to the left of the blog where you will see my new "featured publisher" badge and a Foodbuzz advertising spot. Neat-o, huh?

My main reason for wanting to do this was bring more readership to the blog. I really enjoy sharing my "niche" of knowledge with whomever wants to read it. By joining with Foodbuzz, I will be featured on their website and have more opportunities to share said knowledge.

Anyhow, if you're a veteran or newbie foodie, head over to Foodbuzz and see what's cooking. It's basically a community of foodies with LOTS of neat stuff to share. You're guaranteed to find something interesting, so give it a whirl.