Sunday, August 24, 2008

Not meeting budget this week.

Yesterday, I posted that I had $84 to spend this week on groceries.

I spent $118.

Darn. I hate it when numbers don't add up. It's like, a math hell.

Anyhow, on the good side, I only have to make it till a week from Monday. My meal plan took me through to Friday anyway. Soooo...I only have to come up with food for Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday we have a party to go to, but it's potluck so that will be more difficult as I will have to get the ingredients for something. However, I still have $34 to spend. If I make something uber cheap on Saturday night, figure out something cheap to make for the potluck (or something made with things I have on hand - ooooh, homemade pita bread and hummus?) I should be okay. I have to factor in buying some fresh fruit and milk for the kids at some point this week - those babies always come first.

I should mention (lest anyone feel sorry for me) - that this budget is more out of determination than need. We pay our bills, all is well, I just have this deep burning need to prove to my husband that I can stay within our grocery budget. Mostly because I never can most months.

So, meal plan, addition:

Saturday: Something with chickpeas - I bought a couple of peppers and unless I need them for something, I think I might try stuffing them with chickpeas and rice. If not that, then I can always toss the chickpeas on some of my French bread for a sandwich.

Sunday: Party. I'm digging the hummus idea as my friend is a middle eastern nut and would love it. I just saw some pita bread recipes online, so that might be just the ticket. If all else fails, I can pull out my French bread with some olive oil and dipping herbs, as that was a HUGE hit at the last party.

Monday: OFICIALLY SEPTEMBER - meal plan to follow! Whoo-hoo!