Sunday, June 29, 2008

New Discovery..

Do you know what one of my guilty pleasures is? Yogurt parfaits from McDonald's. That vanilla yogurt is some of the best I've ever had. What I really like about it is the thick and creamy consistency. You feel like you're eating something really decadent, even though a parfait is 3 Weight Watchers points (around 150 calories) and made with low fat yogurt.

Well, as you may have gathered from the blog, I like to make things at home. I have never been able to accurately replicate the McDonald's yogurt. I've settled for Stoneyfield Farm's nonfat vanilla. It's good, but not THAT good. Moreover, I've heard lots and lots about making your own dips from yogurt. I've tried with the nonfat Stoneyfield plain - and it was "eh." The problem was that it was very THIN. I wanted something thick and hearty. I figured that was just one of those things that I had to sacrifice.

I'd heard of Greek yogurt before - and how thick and creamy it was. However, it was also full of fat. I will settle on the occasional low fat dairy item - but for the most part I stick to fat free while trying to drop a few pounds. You can imagine my excitement when I found FAGE 0% - which is a fat free variety.

Can I just say this stuff has become my new best dieter's friend?

Thick and creamy, this FEELS and TASTES like a full fat sour cream (remember - it's plain). I haven't been able to experiment with it too much - but I am very excited about the possibilities. I will try whipping up some fruit and honey to get a sweeter yogurt, as well as add some spices for dips. Whatever the case, this is a VERY versatile product that will do your body and your taste buds well. How often does THAT happen?