Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Google Food News 6/25/08

The search for today:

Tyson to sell Canadian beef business for C$107 mln:

The article said that this was part of the "long term plan" for Tyson to focus on "Asian and South American markets." Does that mean FEEDING those markets, or raising animals in those markets and importing the food here? Not so sure I'm cool with the idea of eating chickens from Asia right not - I'm certainly not okay with the kids eating it.

Texas Governor Rick Perry's ethanol stance stirs up backers, foes:

Currently, our gas is being mixed with ethanol. The law allows us (as a country) to use 9 billion gallons. Governor Perry wants that cut to 4.5 billion. Why? Well, two studies have tied rising food costs to the rise in corn prices. I think we just need to be less dependent on corn as a food source, because....

Corn farmers' hopes are dashed by the flood:

Recent floods in the Midwest have killed corn farming for an area that really depends on it. My husband in from the Midwest, and I have seen the fields and fields of corn. No corn on the 4th!?!

It makes me happy to hear that someone is taking care of the puppies and kitties in distress. Sometimes these little things are overlooked.

UN warns of rising food prices:

Some have more issue with the rising food costs than others.

Darden Plans To Use Derivative Contracts To Hedge Food Costs:

Oh, oh.....can I do this? Darden runs Red Lobster and Olive Garden, and are planning on entering into contracts with distributors in order to keep food costs from going up. It's like the forever stamp, but for food. Wouldn't it be great if we could ALL do this?

And, finally, my favorite...

Health Tip: Don't Overdo Fast Food :

Okay, SERIOUSLY? Someone wasted perfectly good paper for this article? I really don't think someone chomping down on a Big Mac and Fries thinks that it is GOOD for them. They're just having a craving. Or eating badly. Or whatever, but they're not under the delusion that they're doing their body well by grabbing a quick bite at the Burger King. Now, there are ways to eat healthy at the fast food place. However, most going there aren't planning on watching their waist line.



Unknown said...

I agree. People who dine frequently on fast food aren't thinking about their health and well being. They are thinking fast and cheap. I can't believe they wasted paper to print that article.