Saturday, May 17, 2008

The world's most perfect breakfast food, made more perfect.

On Monday, I posted about the world's most perfect breakfast food. Well, as I typed, I went ahead and froze probably a batch and a half in individual servings. When I brought home strawberries and bananas, the husband eyed me. No, he wasn't propositioning me - he was hoping that I would make my new specialty.

Inspired, in part, by a great restaurant we frequent for breakfast...and, in part, by a creation my father turned me on to long before I knew my husband....I let my creativity take hold and made a to-die-for breakfast.

Take two -three pancakes, pile lots of fresh fruit (whatever you like). Right now strawberries and bananas are available and what we like, but you can choose whatever turns your taste buds. Mangoes, pineapple, and peaches all make me salivate. Then stack whipped cream (high cal) or low fat/fat free vanilla yogurt (low cal), some shredded coconut, and dust some powdered sugar. Notice I totally left off butter - who NEEDS it with all the flavors this has going? We also like the crunch of the nuts - you can add whatever you prefer. I did pine nuts this morning because they're a little lighter than macadamia nuts (which is what I used last weekend). If in Oregon, I would use hazelnuts (oh, how I MISS hazelnuts). Walnuts would be good to - almonds don't really do anything for me, and peanuts wouldn't work. Candied pecans are a good southern option.

Anyhow, this LOOKS fantastic, and like you've been slaving for hours. But really, aside from the slicing fruit and nuking the frozen pancakes, this was nothing. We were eating in 10 minutes.