Friday, April 25, 2008


This time of the school year is just a DRUDGERY. We have 6 weeks left, and it seems like a zillion miles away. I only have one day off and two half days between now and the sweet, sweet, summer. I know I'll get there - but after weeks like this it seems like I might not.

Anyhow, took a break from everything yesterday to celebrate the return of Grey's Anatomy. Yay.

Today, it is meal planning. I still have two from last week that I never quite got to, so I will incorporate them somehow into the coming week.

At my grocer, there are baby portobello mushrooms (a vegetarian's dream), tomatoes, blueberries, and strawberries on sale. So, I found a few interesting ideas on the cooking bible. I usually fall back on my Vegetarianism for Students cookbook. It has a great, simple, recipe for shrooms in gravy over rice, pasta, or couscous. Wanted to go for something different though.

I'm going to make some blueberry muffins out of my Deceptively Delicious cookbook, a Strawberry Pie, and probably some homemade tomato soup for the freezer. It's a nice thing to defrost and eat. Red potatoes are also on sale, so I printed a couple of ideas to doctor them up too. It's smart to stock up and cook on things that are reduced in price? Why pay full price for tomato soup when I have the craving? I can buy it now, make it, and simply defrost when the yen hits.

Anyhow, I will do my darndest to actually get some pictures on this blog. Eesh. Starting to look a little bare!