Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My kids are afraid of it.

Guacamole, that is.

I think it's the green color.

Whatever, I LOVE the stuff. Seriously, I could eat it with a spoon. Pardon my Forest Gump reference, but -

There's taco salad with guac, enchiladas with guac, tacos with guac, chips with guac, burritos with guac, guac dip....

Do I need to go on?

I love to make mine homemade. Fresh from heaven, as far as I am concerned.

2-3 avocados
1/4 red onion, super finely chopped (food processed is even pretty good)
1 seeded, small diced, tomato
1 clove garlic (optional/reducible)
juice of 1 lime
salt/pepper to taste

Mash avocados together in a bowl.

Add tomatoes, onions, garlic, and lime juice. Stir.

Adjust salt and pepper to taste.


Avocado trick: Have trouble spooning it out? This is what I do:

Cut the avocado in half, starting at the top down the more narrow part, swooping around the bulbous part when your knife hits the seed. You should have two halves, one with the seed, one without.

With a sharp knife, quickly "karate chop" the seed with your knife and turn gently. The seed should be stuck on the knife and come out easily (works better with a butcher-style knife).

With a smaller knife, cut the avocado half into squares by running the knife only as deep as the flesh (try not to cut the skin). I usually cut around 5 long, and 6 or 7 wide.

Take a large metal spoon, and scoop out the avocado as close to the skin as possible. It should come out nicely, and in tiny little cubes.

Works for quick mashing and eating in a salad or the like.