Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I've been trying...

I've been trying to post every day. It's been my goal. I fell short today.

I had a request for my updated grilled pizza recipe and hints. I really, REALLY want to share it. I just ran out of time today. Alas, such is the life to a working mommy to two. See. I AM human. I don't just bake, cook, and feed my family. Some days I just need a minute to crash. Especially on days when I spend two extra hours in school filling out paperwork for some drama that happened.

So, my plan is for tomorrow. Tomorrow I will give you insight into making pizza so good your family will never want to eat out again! We will be doing grilled pizza for my son's 2nd birthday. My baby turns two. Sniff, sniff.

Until then, enjoy a glass of whatever poison you choose....and take the night off. Get something out of the freezer, or order in.

Every mommy needs a break sometimes.