Monday, February 18, 2008


I'm a math teacher. I think it terms of the rational and absolute all day long. I live and breathe rules, expectations, procedures, and structure.

This is why I have a love affair with my kitchen and all things creative.

A person cannot live on bread alone. While Algebra is some pretty kick-ass bread (I know, all you math phobics are wretching) - I still need something to work the other half of my brain.

For the last several months, I have renovated my pantry, cleaned out the freezer, and completely changed my family's eating habits. I started by throwing out just about anything in a box, and replacing it with an extra bag of flour. Then I tackled the refrigerator and freezer. Why should I buy someone else's product when I can make my own that's (a) cheaper, (b) better, or (c) both? Oops. Multiple choice. There I go again....

Whatever, as I whittled away my processed foods I found myself full of pride. I tossed the eggo's for homemade pancakes. Out with the Stouffer’s meals and in with frozen Ziti and Lasagna. No more Atheno's hummus, I've got "Save Your Marriage" hummus.

My husband thinks I'm nuts. Especially in light of the fact (by his report) he was the best cook out of all his previous relationships. Scary. Still, as we sit amongst the natural goodness that is now our diet - he can't help but smile as he snidely calls me "Mary F*&K*$# homemaker".

Nice, eh? It's said with love, believe it or not. The muffins disappear way too fast for it not to be a compliment.

So, here I rest. I may be talking to myself, or people may come across my blog and find it helpful. I'm hoping that I can lend a hand to other Moms who are tired of this world full of preservatives and harsh chemicals. No doubt that I'll toss in some other household-related items outside of the culinary world. I also love scrapbooking (okay, maybe LOVE isn't the word....obsession might be a more accurate description) crafts, and do it yourself home projects. Plus I do the whole "socially conscious save the world" crap that every other child-of-a-baby-boomer tries to do. All-in-all, I try to be a younger Martha Stewart gone Green. Avoiding the whole jail thing might be cool too.